WHAS NEWS: September 2024Many thanks to all who came to support the 2024 WHAS Annual Horticulture and Craft Show either by entering or visiting the show, or donating plants or produce for us to sell. Once again attendance at the show was up and the committee are glad to report another successful show. See the Annual Show page for photos.
Non-Native Species Warning
We recently received information about the non-native Asian Hornet. Please click here for more information and how to report any sightings.
About the Warwick Horticultural and Allotment Society
*You don't need to be a Warwick resident to join and having an
allotment is not a requirement - all are welcome.
*The Society has been in existence for more than 70 years and the Mayor of Warwick is our President.
*Membership is open to everyone and children join free.
*WHAS organises talks, trips and events every year.
*WHAS is an affiliated member of the Royal Horticultural Society.
*Members are entitled to discount prices at the Trade Hut, Suttons Seeds,
Hintons Nursery in Warwick and Smith's Nursery in Baginton.
*A small group of WHAS volunteers help out at Myton Hospice, Warwick
every Thursday morning for approximately 2 hours. If you would like to join us
please drop us an email at the address below or ring Helen.
Contact: [email protected] or telephone Helen Pearson on 07757 253967