The Society's Constitution
Name: The title of the Society shall be Warwick Horticultural and Allotment Society hereafter referred to as the Society.
Objectives: The objective of the Society shall be to encourage interest in and knowledge of horticulture.
Membership: Membership shall be made up of Ordinary Members and Junior Members, under 16 on 1st of January.
Subscriptions shall become payable on each 1st January for the ensuing year. Annual subscriptions shall be agreed at each Annual General Meeting (AGM) to take effect on the following 1st January.
Life members, being persons who have given notable service as members of the Society, shall be nominated by the Committee for election at an AGM. Having been elected they shall remain non – subscribing members for life.
Committee and Officers The Officers of the Society shall be Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Trading Secretary. They, together with up to ten elected members, will form the Society’s Committee. The Officers and Committee members shall be elected (or may be re-elected), at each AGM except for a Chairman who has held office for five consecutive years who may not be nominated for a further term until after one year.
The Committee shall meet at least monthly unless previously agreed at a Committee meeting. Five Members, including two Officers, shall constitute a quorum. Committee Members who fail to attend six meetings in a year may be asked to stand down.
The Hon Secretary will convene all Committee meetings, send out agendas and ensure all Committee and General Meetings are correctly minuted.
The Hon Treasurer will keep accounts of all financial transactions of the Society, provide financial status information for each Committee meeting and provide the Chairman, or a nominated representative from the Committee, access to the Society’s current bank statements at any time. The Hon Treasurer shall also prepare an annual statement of accounts for the year ending 31st December and ensure that they are inspected by a competent person, independent of the Committee. This person shall have been nominated and approved at the previous AGM.
The Committee may recognise exceptional service to the Society by nominating a person for the position of Vice President for one year.
The proposal shall be put forward for election at the AGM.
General Meetings: The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held before the end of March. The quorum shall be 15 members. Any member wishing to make a proposal at the meeting shall submit it in writing together with the name of the seconder, to the Hon Secretary at least 28 days before the AGM. The Hon Secretary shall send a copy of the agenda and details of any proposals to each member no later than 14 days before the AGM. Nomination forms for Officers and Committee members will be sent out with the agendas and should be returned to the Hon Secretary before the AGM.
The Constitution may be amended only by the decision of the AGM or an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM). An EGM may be convened by a written application signed by not less than fifteen members or by the Committee of the Society. The quorum shall be 15 Members.
Events: The Committee will organise a programme of speakers and other events for monthly Membership Meetings.
A Flower and Vegetable Show shall be held annually at Warwick on Sunday and Monday of the Late Summer Bank Holiday. The Organisation, Rules and Schedule of classes shall be the responsibility of the Committee or such Sub Committee as they may appoint. A copy of the Schedule and an entry form shall be sent to each member and to others who are known to be likely to exhibit and shall be available to those who apply.
Dissolution: In the event of the Society ceasing to function, three Trustees shall be appointed who will meet annually to safeguard the assets of the Society. If after four years the Society has not been regenerated, assets will be distributed to a local Charity or Charities.
Agreed by Warwick Horticultural and Allotment Society Committee – Tuesday 22nd March 2016. AGM
Name: The title of the Society shall be Warwick Horticultural and Allotment Society hereafter referred to as the Society.
Objectives: The objective of the Society shall be to encourage interest in and knowledge of horticulture.
Membership: Membership shall be made up of Ordinary Members and Junior Members, under 16 on 1st of January.
Subscriptions shall become payable on each 1st January for the ensuing year. Annual subscriptions shall be agreed at each Annual General Meeting (AGM) to take effect on the following 1st January.
Life members, being persons who have given notable service as members of the Society, shall be nominated by the Committee for election at an AGM. Having been elected they shall remain non – subscribing members for life.
Committee and Officers The Officers of the Society shall be Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Trading Secretary. They, together with up to ten elected members, will form the Society’s Committee. The Officers and Committee members shall be elected (or may be re-elected), at each AGM except for a Chairman who has held office for five consecutive years who may not be nominated for a further term until after one year.
The Committee shall meet at least monthly unless previously agreed at a Committee meeting. Five Members, including two Officers, shall constitute a quorum. Committee Members who fail to attend six meetings in a year may be asked to stand down.
The Hon Secretary will convene all Committee meetings, send out agendas and ensure all Committee and General Meetings are correctly minuted.
The Hon Treasurer will keep accounts of all financial transactions of the Society, provide financial status information for each Committee meeting and provide the Chairman, or a nominated representative from the Committee, access to the Society’s current bank statements at any time. The Hon Treasurer shall also prepare an annual statement of accounts for the year ending 31st December and ensure that they are inspected by a competent person, independent of the Committee. This person shall have been nominated and approved at the previous AGM.
The Committee may recognise exceptional service to the Society by nominating a person for the position of Vice President for one year.
The proposal shall be put forward for election at the AGM.
General Meetings: The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held before the end of March. The quorum shall be 15 members. Any member wishing to make a proposal at the meeting shall submit it in writing together with the name of the seconder, to the Hon Secretary at least 28 days before the AGM. The Hon Secretary shall send a copy of the agenda and details of any proposals to each member no later than 14 days before the AGM. Nomination forms for Officers and Committee members will be sent out with the agendas and should be returned to the Hon Secretary before the AGM.
The Constitution may be amended only by the decision of the AGM or an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM). An EGM may be convened by a written application signed by not less than fifteen members or by the Committee of the Society. The quorum shall be 15 Members.
Events: The Committee will organise a programme of speakers and other events for monthly Membership Meetings.
A Flower and Vegetable Show shall be held annually at Warwick on Sunday and Monday of the Late Summer Bank Holiday. The Organisation, Rules and Schedule of classes shall be the responsibility of the Committee or such Sub Committee as they may appoint. A copy of the Schedule and an entry form shall be sent to each member and to others who are known to be likely to exhibit and shall be available to those who apply.
Dissolution: In the event of the Society ceasing to function, three Trustees shall be appointed who will meet annually to safeguard the assets of the Society. If after four years the Society has not been regenerated, assets will be distributed to a local Charity or Charities.
Agreed by Warwick Horticultural and Allotment Society Committee – Tuesday 22nd March 2016. AGM
To download the constitution please click on the link below.

whas_constitution-jbo-180317.docx | |
File Size: | 15 kb |
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